Friday, January 26, 2007

Profuse apologies

for being so dramatic last post. Life seemed a whole lot better once I got out of the house and rode my beautiful red bike to school to listen to Mark Andrews' presentation (he's awesome--works for pixar and worked on The Incredibles and directed the short One Man Band). Then I worked...walked dogs, cooked, babysat and rented Slither with Andy which was hilarious...super (intentionally) over the top scary movie. Good times.
Yesterday I woke up early to pick up my new glasses , had my first Catholic Trad. II class which actually should be good as the prof. is young and interesting and it's going to be more focused on ethics than actual Catholic practice. Though he did use all four hours of the class (I thought because it was the first class we'd get out early) which meant that I was a bit late and rushed to get to the Cartoon Art Museum. After working 3 hours with Summerlea I went to Hillary's game (UCSD) against SFState. It was really fun to see her parents and watch her, especially since this is her last game that I will have the chance of seeing! She did amazingly well and they won so all was good...until as I was walking to my car I dropped my phone and it died. Luckily I can still use my old phone, because though the new (dead) one still receives calls, it has no screen. Then I talked to Moni forever which was great (though we wer etalking about not great things that she's going through) and then I went to bed. And now I have to go pick up my contacts (FINALLY) and my lab manual for astronomy. adios.

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