Monday, January 22, 2007

First Day of the Last Semester

So today was my first day of my final semester in undergrad and it was gorgeous...well classes were far from that, but the weather was lovely, and as I walked onto campus, between the sun and the youts all about chatting, lying on the grass, etc., it was just, well, really nice. And then I went to the bookstore, where inevitably there was a line a bajillion miles long and I had to pay $130 for three books. No, not even. Technically it was two books, a workbook and a clicker. That's right, I paid $33 exactly for what looks like the remote control that came with the cd/tape/radio console I got in fifth grade from Santa. Apparently we are too technologically advanced to participate in class and take quizzes the old fashioned way, and instead will answer questions with our remotes. I realize my Astronomy class has some 50+ people, but really? The greatest point in the class was when my Prof., who was talking about how she would allow for four unexcused absences, with the rationale that "Life get sick, you forget your clicker..."

At least my prof. for that class seems into it and nice, though she misplaces the accent on certain words like...well now I can't think of any, but it would be comparable to someone saying in-TRO-duce instead of in-tro-DUCE. And she says "schhhhhedule." But other than that she seems pretty cool.

I didn't have lab today after Astronomy since it's the first week, so I taught Tali instead--she's really getting good which makes our little practice sessions quite fun, even challenging, for me. Then I went to my internship class which was kind of boring and longer than it needed to be, though I like the people in it. After I drove home and jogged back to school where I met Amanda for the second half of the USF basketball game. Her dad has season tickets and we had great seats. They played Santa Clara and overall it was a close game, but it ended super painfully. There were 9 seconds left and we had the ball and only needed a 3-pointer to pull to the lead, and then Armondo slipped and dropped the ball and the game was lost. Too bad.

Now I'm home and I think I'm going to get ready for bed as tomorrow is my first day at my Cartoon Art Museum internship and I want to get up early to go running while we're still having this cold but clear weather.

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