Saturday, June 9, 2007


This morning I had two brunches--one at Dolores Park Church (which I am starting to get into the practice of reattending) and one at the Storey-Cuddeback's house, celebrating their daughter, Sara's graduation. Both were really nice and I just feel so blessed to have these families who let me be a part of their lives. It's fun having three pseudo-younger sisters--Tali (who I teach violin to), Sara (Tali's sister, who I drive to soccer), and their friend Becca (who also graduated and who I drive to soccer). Becca's mom, Laurie offered their guest room to me in August once my lease runs up which I may take them up on in exchange for a meal here and there. Tonight Laure is taking me to a concert (some band she thinks I'll like) in Nob Hill for my birthday. And last night I had a great time playing cards with Chris and Dominique until the wee hours. I guess I'm just feeling generally blessed today.

Friday, June 8, 2007


I feel I am in a transition period; no, I know I am. And while this could be liberating, I am feeling too free almost--like I am on the verge of being overwhelmed with the freedom given to me. It is now up to me to determine my direction as I rise from bed each morning; the things I will choose to read, to learn, to value. I think I am finally an adult and that takes getting used to. Though I have really only had a few days of summer (not counting my getaway to those states with their lakes and large clouds) I am trying to immediately develop the habits that I have longed to have but never formed because school or life always got in the way. I am finally free to work on me. And I am simultaneously filled with excitement and trepidation; experiencing both a calm understanding of what it is I must do and a steady anxiety over finding myself walking on foreign ground offering alien foliage and new vantage points.

I think if I can remove the anxiety, life will be as it is supposed to be. Though I guess it is always as it is supposed to be, with its phases of transition and steadiness, peaks and troughs--it is solely a matter of us understanding this and embracing our experiences. Certainly easier said than done!

My younger brother gave this to me; and I was both humbled (by him) and proud (of him):

'Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.

Finally, brethren, whatever things are true, whatever things are noble, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of good report, if there is any virtue and if there is anything praiseworthy--meditate on these things which you learned and received and heard and saw in me, these do, and the God of peace will be with you.'
Philippians 4:6-9

Thursday, June 7, 2007

La comienza

"For here, there is no place that does not see you. You must change your life."
--Rainer Maria Rilke

(Self-portrait, Reflection in Weisman window taken 5 June 2007)

Monday, February 19, 2007

Two good weekends in a row

I'm a lucky girl with good friends. These past two weekends were special in that I got the opportunity to see Moni and Eriks; last week was spent in Tahoe with Mon and this weekend in SF with Eriks. Good times all around. I don't really feel like going into detail about either weekend just yet, but I'll leave you with this random video of a monkey washing a cat to the theme of Superman that I came across while searching for one of a cat wash (comparable to a car wash) that Andy told me about.

Tuesday, January 30, 2007


I am wasting my life away on the internet I need to go to bed. But my mind is going CRAZY right now (in the best of ways with story ideas) but I'm too lazy to write them right now...sheesh. Maybe I'll just read Kafka (I got a great collection of his short stories at green apple) but I'll leave you with this before i go:

Monday, January 29, 2007


Friday, January 26, 2007

Profuse apologies

for being so dramatic last post. Life seemed a whole lot better once I got out of the house and rode my beautiful red bike to school to listen to Mark Andrews' presentation (he's awesome--works for pixar and worked on The Incredibles and directed the short One Man Band). Then I worked...walked dogs, cooked, babysat and rented Slither with Andy which was hilarious...super (intentionally) over the top scary movie. Good times.
Yesterday I woke up early to pick up my new glasses , had my first Catholic Trad. II class which actually should be good as the prof. is young and interesting and it's going to be more focused on ethics than actual Catholic practice. Though he did use all four hours of the class (I thought because it was the first class we'd get out early) which meant that I was a bit late and rushed to get to the Cartoon Art Museum. After working 3 hours with Summerlea I went to Hillary's game (UCSD) against SFState. It was really fun to see her parents and watch her, especially since this is her last game that I will have the chance of seeing! She did amazingly well and they won so all was good...until as I was walking to my car I dropped my phone and it died. Luckily I can still use my old phone, because though the new (dead) one still receives calls, it has no screen. Then I talked to Moni forever which was great (though we wer etalking about not great things that she's going through) and then I went to bed. And now I have to go pick up my contacts (FINALLY) and my lab manual for astronomy. adios.