Saturday, June 9, 2007


This morning I had two brunches--one at Dolores Park Church (which I am starting to get into the practice of reattending) and one at the Storey-Cuddeback's house, celebrating their daughter, Sara's graduation. Both were really nice and I just feel so blessed to have these families who let me be a part of their lives. It's fun having three pseudo-younger sisters--Tali (who I teach violin to), Sara (Tali's sister, who I drive to soccer), and their friend Becca (who also graduated and who I drive to soccer). Becca's mom, Laurie offered their guest room to me in August once my lease runs up which I may take them up on in exchange for a meal here and there. Tonight Laure is taking me to a concert (some band she thinks I'll like) in Nob Hill for my birthday. And last night I had a great time playing cards with Chris and Dominique until the wee hours. I guess I'm just feeling generally blessed today.

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